
Extras and history


Everyday story
6:05 AM
should be starting my work - Wednesday, April 9, 2008
today was spent after school doing the parent teacher interview thing.. im not sure if im the only one tt did this but my jaws hurt my pretend smiling.. damnit!! n laugh at the teacher's lil joke.. thankfully as teens, we have all been highly trained in the area of pretence.. i sat there and nodded at every comment the teacher said.. n yup-ed my way thru it.. haizz... waste of my time.. as expected teachers all said.. "u have to study harder".. which is i think a script designed by all the teachers to have little liability in case they get sued by the parent or something..

now.. i realized sometime ago tt i CANNOT study when its quiet.. if its juz the book, me and the crickets outside.. i cant study.. juz get very distracted which is y i always did my work in front of a com.. n also coz i din have my own room.. but now.. after moving in for a while now, i shall introduce u to my NEW BEST FRIEND!!!

his name is Ilife but to u.. its MISTER Ilife.. As u might've noticed, tis an apple related product coz of the I in the name..
its a stereo speaker thingo tt obviously connects to my oh so wonderful ipod..
music on the go... ohh yeah

n being the lazy person tt i m.. the remanants of the previous inhabitant still lingers in the small room..

in case u cant read.. it says ivan, we'll miss you..

n in staying in the room.. i think i even m starting to look like him!!
