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Everyday story
4:49 AM
thought of the day - Saturday, June 7, 2008
fear.. we all have it in some way,shape or form n it gets really annoying at times.. it hinders our movements and impairs decisions.. but then again?? wad is fear?? y do we fear things that we noe we can do?? for some of us.. public speaking is a great fear but y??

we all noe that we can stand in front of people and talk coz i mean.. tt's wad we do when we socialize rite?? we stand in front of others and we talk to them.. maybe not like 30 pairs of eyes staring at us but we socialize in a big group at times rite?? wads so different bout speaking to 30 pple?? n when u think bout it.. probably 10 of them arent listening at all so actually ur speaking to bout 20 pple.. tt's managable rite??

some of us even fear talking to others but u actually have the power to conquer that fear.. look round ur life n u'll see that u have friends.. how can u have friends if u dun talk to them??

therefore i conclude.. fear is silly.. its juz an obstacle that we have to clear.. sometimes it juz seems like a huge tall wall but there are ways to go past any wall, no matter how big or tall it is.. we can choose to walk round it or to blow a hole in it.. if all else fails, climb it.. jump n pull urself up or juz use a ladder.. all it takes is time if u really wanna conquer it..

my new found ambition?? to be fearless...

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