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Everyday story
6:18 AM
men r frm mars, women r frm venus - Sunday, October 26, 2008
recently was part of an interesting conversation.. poor guy says to 2 sisters saying how they r getting to look more alike 1 another.. we shall call him person A, 1st sister person B n 2nd sister person C

Person A: ooh.. u 2 r getting more alike each other, either u (person B) is putting on weight, or u (person C) is losing weight

poor person A got whacked by person C juz coz he said she was losing weight. Person B, though was gaining weight, was quite happy coz she thinks she's too skinny.

3 guys standing there.. din understand at all.. until...

Person C: U say i last time fat isit?? need to lose weight isit??

3 guys then understood.. n here we were thinking Person A so nice give compliment n still gets hit.. 6 pple there, 3 guys 3 girls, 3 tot compliment, other 3 tot insult.. haizz.. the diff tween guys n girls.. we'll nvr understand each other..