
Extras and history


Everyday story
9:39 AM
Happenings... - Wednesday, December 30, 2009
MIA super long so now... major events tt have happened over the past month??

was super long ago. it was a nice sunny day when we set off to Dunsbourough, a 4 hr straight drive? but we stopped a few times along the way.

Vehicle of choice: My Nissan Pulsar
Crew: Joel Tan (driver)
Justine Wong (other driver)
Ansen Soon(Photographe
Fei-Yi Chong(General Object of Amusement)

Sandboarding at Lancelin with Youth
Basically we decided to get out of Perth as a youth group n so the wonderful youth leaders drove us down to Lancelin for some hot, sandy fun

About 1.5 hrs drive down and we were finally there.. Rented some boards frm a random shop in the tiny town of Lancelin slid for an hr. Super Tiring!!! Going down the hill was fun but the task of climbing a steep sandy hill with no solid ground = difficult..
Twas gd exercise though.. and coz of the many many hrs spent in the sun due to the Lancelin trip and Leavers trip, I got super duper dark...

Caroling with the Youth Group
So few days b4 Christmas, our church organsied a caroling session where we went out to knock on doors and play for the people living in Karawara.. We ended up joining with some of the young family people. So off we went with a big bunch of people. Musicians included Me with my Clara(guitar), Joel Chan with Ben's guitar and Sam with his violin. Played for 5 houses, which wasnt bad seeing as other groups played for 2 or 3... So the way back to the meeting place, we juz belted out Christmas tunes in the mosquito filled night..

Sometime in the holidays went to watch Avatar with Justine and Senny coz he was going off to Cambodia for a missions trip the next day. not 3d though so :( . graphics were really really pweety

Storyline super simple though... Dun wanna spoil anything for anyone. U can go spoil it for urself..

Then went to watch Sherlock Holmes last night wif Peter Li's group. Stupid msg ruined the movie halfway saying that the TER's out.. If any of u wondering, 87.45 so nothing wonderful. was hoping for at least a 90 TER though so sucks.. Seems like the entire world's getting 95 n above... only gd news to come out of this is that my Calc mark improved. Frm a 49 school mark till a 59 in the TEE. not bad eh?

Went to get a mouse with Justine before the movie. Her live squeak squeak mouse to clarify stuff. Not the kind u use to scroll the page and close this window.. Many names came up such as, PointandClick, Nezumi, Neckochan. But we decided to call it Elsie (LC). Coz its a mouse and LC= left click... heheehe. wanted to call the other Delsi, like... DLC for double left click but its now been changed to i dunno what..

Holidays have been going well.. Started with a to-do list on my whiteboard but its now all done :D stuff on there included reading all of the dragonball manga.. Tt's rite... all 520 chapters of it and also learning to play the bass.. Rather fun instrument to play actually..

Anyways, to clear up all this nonsense bout me going back. See, there's this paper on the wall which my dad printed for me specifying the dates i was meant to fly. 18th Dec was one date and seeing as all previous dates were correct, i found no reason to doubt it. Night b4 i was meant to fly, i was finding my ticket to see if i had bought the extra luggage thing to carry stuff for my aunt coz Tiger Airways is stupid and realised I HAD NO TICKET! turns out my dad only intended to book that flight but nvr actually got round to doing it. So now im here till the 8th of Jan.
Letter of doom has arrived and im reporting for NS on 5 March. I however have no idea whether i am coming back to Aus b4 then...

So that's the story of my life so far...