
Extras and history


Everyday story
11:11 PM
negative live, negative dead, positive live, positive dead - Friday, June 19, 2009
juz came back frm 1 weekend. basically our church went out into the streets n knocked on doors to ask if they wanted help wif cleaning their gardens n driveways. first door we knocked on, a guy appeared at the door wif juz his underwear on. wad a way to start the day!! haha

went out thurs nite to go do exo sponsorship so a lot of "hi im from rossmoyne senior high n looking 4 sponsorship 4 an event". in return we got a lot of, " our company is located in the eastern states so we'll have to fax it to the head office there" which is short for " no we wun help ur cause" n more " sorry we dun need anymore staff at the moment" frm pple who cant really be bothered listening to us. juz coz we rock up in school uniform n a stack of papers in our hands dun mean we're looking for a job. had nandos n dreamy(yum) donuts 4 dinner coz we couldnt be bothered going far for dinner. think im the definition of a black hole. n also the fact tt sam had a curfew helped. think im the definition of a black hole. everyone else was really full... but i still wanted more.. :( also learnt how to jumpstart a car. n also about the miracle of facebook.

seeing as it was raining heavily in the morning so i decided to turn on my lights. juz i kinda forgot to turn it off when i reached school coz it was bright n sunny. so at the end of the day, went to car n tried to open boot but it wouldnt open. then realised nothing else works except the driver's door. so ran around school, found lots of teachers who couldnt help us coz their cars r expensive n have funky computer chips in them so if u use it to jump the car, it'll fry theirs. finally after bout 30 min or maybe even an hr, we managed to find mr ferrarra(duno how to spell but tt's how it sounds kk!! im not making it up) so he helped us wif his super old 1980s looking car :)


fast forward to the nxt day, which had lots of "i heard wad happened to ur car". silly sam put it on as her fb status. n now the radio doesnt work coz it screwed up. the display showed code at first. we put the wrong thing n now it ends up wif "err". its meant to go back to code but its nt doing it. anyone noe how to fix it? planning to disconnect the batt later to c if it restarts the system. any bright sparks got any bright ideas??