
Extras and history


Everyday story
5:50 AM
wad plant?? a desal plant!! - Thursday, October 30, 2008
the sun was out bright n sunny, yr 11s gathered on the yr 12 lawn to show off their rusty n old solar desal plants.. someone's idea of a desal plant involved magnifying glasses and cloth.. basic physics tells us

magnifying glass + cloth + sun = NOT GD!!

he left it in the sun 4 a bit n then realized tt his cloth CAUGHT FIRE!! 
other weird happenings included our solar desal plant collecting 1 drop of water, even though we din put water in it to test it due to lack of time

got marked by mr lampard n he gave us 4.5 out of 10 but we protested. stupidly hard marker, he was the only one tt was marking wif a marking key. in the end, then later recess, someone came to tell me tt our score was raised!! WOOT!!

frm a low 4.5 to a 7!! how big a gap is tt!?! shows the inconsistency. thank god they marked it again.. gd waste of 2 periods though. if only they made it the original 5 periods. haizz.. guess u cant always get wad u wan
