
Extras and history


Everyday story
12:51 AM
FEEL DA FURY - Monday, December 15, 2008
RAWR!!!! ANNOYED!! who went to destroy my wonderfully, ultimately clean kitchen?!?!? the kitchen which i cleaned YESTERDAY!!! rawr! 4 some reason, tt person dunno how to crack an egg, resulting in egg shells on the floor. i dun even how u can crack an egg n have tt many egg shells on the floor. use the counter table. tt's wad its 4.

4 another some reason, dunno wad it(coz dunno whether he/she) went to do something tt attracted a bottle load of ants to the counter table.

do not leave sweet things on the table. they too help attract ants. the ant pile wasnt
congregating at the cup but still, dun do it. tis written under clause 6 section 5 of the agreement in using the kitchen :"thou shalt not leave sweet things on the kitchen table"

finally, someone destroyed the stove too. due to the greasyness of the stove, ITS FLICKING HARD TO CLEAN! so now, when i come bak frm holis, i prob have to clean the whole darn house again. hmm.. maybe i wun. y do i even bother?

if it seems like i gone mad, i have. its juz really really really annoying to have someone dirty the kitchen until it seems like u nvr clean it in the first place. RAWR!

n if there is a bright side to this, it will b that the rest of the house is still clean. this is the side i shall TRY to focus on.
