
Extras and history


Everyday story
8:08 AM
my day out - Tuesday, December 2, 2008
if u cant be bothered reading the post, juz skip to end 4 pics. 4 more find alvin's facebook. we basically went out iceskating, bubbletea n basketball. cant be bothered putting all though. takes too much time n some photos should juz generally nvr see this blog. someone might say something. BUT IT WASNT ME!!

2 days ago we went a group of us went iceskating. was a ton of fun wif us traveling to cockburn(pronounced co-burn. y cant things b pronounced the way they r!?!). being the first time in ages tt i woke up at 7
+ in the morning, was difficult waking. sleeping at 2 or 3 the night b4 didnt help at all. then almost missed the bus only coz i was still busy waiting 4 coffee to cool down, to a point where i decided fk it n poured it in my bottle. the rest of the day my water tasted like coffee. as much as i love coffee, it was DISGUSTING!!! diluted coffee ranks below cold coffee. i prefer it lukewarm n aromatic thank u very much

after we met the first thing tt happened was we got on the train wifout 3 pple. when we realised, we obviously got off the train n caught the nxt one. lucky the train din start moving. then later we caught the bus only to find out NO ONE knew where we had to drop. dun worry! google earth n 3G came to the rescue. stupidly enough the bus stop was totally different to the one on the iphone. normally i would juz blame this all on the iphone juz to piss adrian off. finally got to coburn ice arena bout 1 hr off schedule. perfect planning. haha skated 4 quite a while n some pple stopped coz the skates were causing them some pain. games of tag were run wif not much success until the 3rd time we tried. skated for a few hrs(like 4?) then we decided to go down to school to play basketball.

then someone had the bright idea of going to the
city to get BUBBLETEA! at this point the singaporeans would b going wtf?!? tt's so old. who even drinks it nowadays. so day ended wif us in school playing basketball till 5. playing basketball in jeans is not fun at all. leg gets so hot. enough chat, let the pictures begin. all at the ice skating place though. hehe. long post so i dun have to post in a long long long while.

most of the pple. most willo kids were missing

look look!! ITS ICE!!

rossy gang

my stalker n i

ok guys! listen up! team A assault the hill frm the front while teams B n C flank the enemy. everyone clear? RAWR!

us being healthy

reminds me of something frm a movie. winter sonata perhaps? hmm.. maybe coz of the ice n the jackets