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Everyday story
9:25 AM
i think ima gonna get fat - Friday, May 22, 2009
woot! 10/10 for econs DI!!! now the sucky thing is econs teacher xpects great things frm me.. damn....

likes how my cupboard is looking atm.. no, i din go crazy n build myself a new cupboard amidst these crazy exam times, i juz started writing my econs notes on it.. looks super sexy now.. all cover in writing n diagrams. :) i heart my cupboard. gonna b hard to clean though. only do it coz i like the sound of pencil on wood.. teehee.. feel like a little boy

spent the last 3 periods trying to ignore thillini, calling her the thin air while she stuffed random pens down my sleeve n steal my calc. grr..... then it juz became fun coz i 4got wad i was "angry" at her 4.. teehee.. im such a kid.. she however, decided to get my leg wet by jumping into the stupid dirty puddle of water n saying omg a ghost did it... coz i was still ignoring her

weather's been stupid these few days. crazy strong winds n hard rains which start n stop wheneverr they like. saw hail 4 the first time today!!! :) happy.. haha,.. i noe i noe.. omg u nvr saw hail b4... let's get past tt shall we? anways, crazy strong winds took down 2 trees n indirectly took down part of the fence yesterday. walked out of sci building n wouldnt b surprised to c fishes juz flopping around on the ground. seriously... it was tt wet. thank god i had the car today... getting stuck on the bus to go work in such weather would suck so hard, a vaccum will result

in the efforts of studying, i have thus consumed about
  1. 14 cups of coffee( juz studying, not even counting the morning cups)
  2. 5 cups of tea
  3. a block of choc
  4. bag of sweets
  5. jar of almonds
  6. 4 cheeseburgers(i like my cheeseburgers k! dun judge me! haha.. wifout pickle)
  7. 3 strawberry milkshakes (i find it scary tt my brain food is something TT unhealthy)
n added bonus to eating all tt almonds, i have thus gained the ability to do tt funky thing where u throw a nut/malteser/round edible thing of choice into air n land in the mouth.. then u proceed to eat it? iono, im really bad at describing it. oh well. i was tt bored k! cant get it 100% but getting there.. haha

i really needa find some healthy snack. anyone got any suggestions? i need something to chew on.. like fruit. but it has to b a continual put in mouth thing. cant b like chew finish n tt's it.. OOO!!! grapes sounds like a gd idea! :) if u wanna c how much i studied after TEE(or any other exam actually) juz c how fat i become. 

hmm.. i believe the stage where i start realising oh crap exams r here n i still dunno anything stage is bound to kick in soon... then 2 options, get really high n laugh all day(crazy side) or the emo side n sit there hug my knees n cry(emo side) 

I WAN MY CHEESEBURGER!! sis coming bak wif cheeseburger soon i hope. then shalll go study(yes pple... its 1am n im still planning to study.. how sad) then sleep round 2/3? wake up at 6.50ish am, send sis to work. plan to come home at round 8 then go sleep again, wake up 11pm to send food down to sis.. man i got a packed day ahead of me.. 

student commandment no1
thou shalt not neglect ur coffee/sugar shot
student commandment no2
thou shalt nt sleep b4 12 

food's here!!! shall go start mugging. i noe... heaps long post more coz dun wan go study than anything else..

*every blessing u pour out, i'll turn back to praise!*