
Extras and history


Everyday story
2:51 AM
2 more days - Thursday, January 31, 2008
i woke up today at the auspicious hr of 10.. as i lay in bed groggily.. it suddenly hit me.. I m gonna be 16 in 2 days!! woo hoo!!
hmm... 2 more days till i'm 16... sounds old... haha... n as we all noe when we get older we have responsibilities.. here r some of them tt 2008 has in store 4 me..

  1. BEING ABLE TO DRIVE!!(or learn to anyways) u people should watch 4 my car.. it might be dangerous..
  2. YR 11... which means that we'll have to "study" extra hard... pfft.. we shall see...
  3. Taking care of the com.. yes... its sad that my bro's leaving to do his ns this yr.. which means the very highly important role of maintaining, upkeeping and using the com falls on me.. this responsibility, i accept humbly. i "promise" i shall not abuse the power that comes with this task..
  4. Having my own room.. another responsibility that i accept wif a heavy heart.. after 15 yrs of squeezing into 1 room with my bro, this responsibility is a welcome change..
See!?!? who says having responsibilities r a bad thing?? juz depends on ur perspective..
if u have a bad perspective on things.. i could've said something along the lines of...
  1. 2 more yrs to NS!!!
See.. the prospect of thinking bout being able to drive beats having to go to NS hands down..

9:32 AM
my post - Monday, January 28, 2008
wow... my first blog post.. hmm.. hopes this blog last long.. hehe...
anyways.. its bout 1.30 am.. screwed up body clock so shall go make an attempt to sleep.. shall therefore make my first proper post tmr or sometime soon...

nite com.. hello comfy bed..