
Extras and history


Everyday story
5:23 AM
mac... apple mac.. - Monday, March 31, 2008
wow... tis been a long time used windows at home.. so used to mac now tt i tried to scroll my mouse to the top left hand corner to look for my windows.. lol..
anyways... few things happened since the last post...

now.. every term break.. ima have to go back to singapore.. whi
ch is freaking expensive.. n so ima have to go back on the 15 April n come back on the 26th...

n failed econs test by a mark.. which sucks..


1 thing i m currently loving?? HOUSE!!

current song: SUMMER BREEZE!!(makes me feel fine... blowing with the jasmin in my miinnnddddd.... such an old song...)

1:48 AM
nvr knew this was possible - Wednesday, March 19, 2008
anyone ever get kicked off a plane??
while surfing on digg.com, came across an amusing article which talked bout 10 ways airlines recently kicked passengers off the plane..

juz coz the guy was singing Sunderland AFC's praises. some weird song bout the chairman's underwear.. WTF?!?!
yes.... dude was thrown off a plane 4 smelling bad... can only imagine how bad he was smelling..
dunno wad to say bout this
some chick was wearing a T-shirt that featured pictures of George Bush and friends, with a slogan based on the hit film Meet the Fockers – but with one crucial vowel altered. Obviously aircraft staff weren't too happy with it... Y NOT?!??! we all noe its true to a certain extent..
apparently some girl was dressed too provocatively, in micro miniskirt and tight T-shirt – though she was let back on when she rearranged them to cover as much as possible... Thus wondering wad a micro-miniskirt looks like... how small can they be??
alrite... this is a bit weird.. i'll juz quote the webby "After “fooling around” in front of other passengers in their economy seats, the pair made for the lavatories. Instead of ending up in Las Vegas, as planned, they were dumped in Portland, Oregon."
pilot swore n was thus kicked off..

and my favorite last 2...
9. DIE!!!
some person died on a British Airways flight in her economy flight seat.. instead of getting thrown off the plane, they actually upgraded her to first class!! woot!! i noe which airline i wanna die on now... oh.. n i'm pretty sure the person sitting next to her in first class would have been scared.. imagine waking up wif some dead stranger next to u!!
10. Say "bye bye plane"
Lil baby juz repeats "byebye plane" for X amount of time during the boring safety briefing.. sif anyone listens to them anyways.. n so was thrown off plane... classy...

in other news... i'll be back in sing apparently every term holis now...

1:38 AM
confidant?? confidence?? -
to my confidence person thingy...
will be here 4 u too!!

ty anyways....

12:07 AM
blinker - Thursday, March 13, 2008
hmm... over the past few days sitting n doing hw.. i realized tt when i really concentrate a lot, i seem to blink a lot too... weird..

wads ur weird habit??

6:53 AM
how sad - Sunday, March 9, 2008
its 11 am.. n i m studying 4 a stupid period 0 4 tmr... this sucks...

logs make me depressed....

log depressed= x
as a

oh well.... shall cheer up..

7:01 AM
LOLS!! - Wednesday, March 5, 2008
hehe... talkingcock.com.. i like....
the following is ripped out of talkingcock.com so therefore obviously i dun own the rites to them...
actual meaning of the acroynm for the more obscure ones.. in brackets...

THREE-LETTER SINGAPOREAN HORROR FILMSPosted on Tuesday, November 06, 2007Topic: The Arts
So the SAW series of torture/horror films is still going strong, even though the story is more or less the same each time. Eh, Singapore flim-makers, follow their successful example by making your own versions, leh! Here are some suggestions for THREE-LETTER SINGAPOREAN HORROR FILMS (and their tag lines)...
1. TAX: On April 15, it’s time to pay…
2. LAN: Just what is turning our teenaged boys into mindless zombies?
3. GST: Just when you thought it was safe to go into the mall again…
4. ERP(electronic road pricing): It’s here… to drive you mad.
5. CPF(Central Provident Fund): There’s nothing inside… or is there?
6. SAF(Singapore Armed Forces): On Tekong, no one can hear you scream…
7. MRT(Mass Rapid Transit/Messy Rocky Train): Do you dare enter… the tunnel?
8. SBS(Bus system): Take a slow ride… to hell.
9. SIA(Singapore Airline): What happens when… there are snakes on the world’s biggest plane?
10. MOE(Ministry of Education): It’s time someone taught all of you a lesson.
11. GEP(Gifted Education Program): Get out of their elite, uncaring faces… before it’s too late.
12. PCK the Horror Movie: The mole… it’s ALIVE!
13. SPH(sinapore press holdings): What if everything you’ve been told is a lie?
14. PAP(people action party a.k.a the gahmen): You.. will… pay… and pay… and pay… and pay…
15. LEE(PM LEE!!): The horror that just won’t die

6:18 AM
asofdihsdogk -
hmm... boring nite as usual.. slaved(not exactly) over my intro calc stuff... boring stuff.... n therefore... let's review wad i did in singapore.. so this post has a high possibility of being filled wif singlish which little aussie pple might understand...

back in singapore.. there's miraculous thing called a coffeeshop... great things they r..anyways.. they really r great... buy (voluntarily) a drink n u can sit down at the coffeeshop wif all the uncle screaming when someone scores... on a good night.. it gets very exciting.. u get to go " GOALLLL!!!!!" wif all the old uncle there... WHOA!! so long nvr hear the word "keylong" liao...
4 u singlish handicapped people..

cockford singlish dictionary defines it as:
KELONG (Contributed by Raphael Lee)(kay-long)Originally, a kelong is a wooden structure built above the sea by driving wooden "piles" (made from the trunks of coconut trees, for example) into the seabed and used for commercial fishing. Colloquially, it is a term used to describe any form of cheating or corruption in any competition e.g. soccer.Heartlander version: "Wah lao, Yishun United goalie normally damn tzai, but this match perform like cock and lose 5-0! Confirm must be kelong one!" Atas version: "Wah lao, Queen Astrid Park Rangers normally damn cock, but this match somehow can win 5-0! Confirm must be kelong one!"

so.. yup... n then u can sit there n listen to the uncle's expert commentatery(commentary??commentatertoghenodn??).. amusing amusing.. some stuff might be like" aiyah!! tt rooney ar!! very kwai lan.. can shoot dun wan shoot" or when rooney pretended to be injured" AIYAH!! u see u see??? tt rooney?? sibei kwai lan.."

so long nvr hear such things liao..

now singapore so packed.. orchard.. haizz... gone case... so many angmoh there too!! oh wells... thus is life n i'm a migrant here... so cannot say much lah huh... juz pretty darn annoying tt the stupid government(gah-men) wan singapore to stop speaking singlish... like.. major wtf?!?!?
wad happen to the... u people should remember ur roots??
hmm.... this sounds highly contradictory to the "stop speaking singlish" coz aint singlish kinda like our roots?!!?!?

highly gong liao!!
the phantom..