
Extras and history


Everyday story
9:48 AM
late... - Monday, April 28, 2008
hmm.. its 1 am i m still up.. n this is the earliest i have slept in about a week.. wow..
haha.. coz its so late.. ima prob be late 4 school tmr too!!! see u guys in school.. not tt i m tt hyped up bout going back..

11:31 AM
touchdown - Saturday, April 26, 2008
back in australia after a 5 hr qantas flight.. is tired..wanna sleep..
funny how most pple declaring stuff at customs r asians.. very rarely do u see an asian in the nothing to declare line.. those r the moments we should cherish.. tt is a true kodak moment..

9:44 AM
little sparrow can be shot!! - Monday, April 21, 2008
today i went to watch the forbidden kingdom in the cinema at vivo city.. it's an alrite show.. juz rewally annoying coz of the accents.. jackie chan's english became hell terrible.. jet li's english was annoying n all the diff chinese actors.. damnit!! ur asian!! speak chinese!! if only they took the main character out the show.. kill him damnit!! as usual.. the stupid white guy needs to be saved.. n the chinese guys r there to save him..
there was this chick who was called little sparrow.. which is all gd.. till she juz keeps refering to herself in the third person..
haizz... fight scenes were great though.. juz stupid accents ruined the film.. wouldnt watch it again though.. damnit.. if only the white guy was not in the show n it all done in chinese..

movie rating: 3/5


10:01 AM
soccer match - Sunday, April 20, 2008
here i m sitting in my room at 1 in the morning watching a soccer match between ac milan(woot!) and an unknown team called regina... dunno if its live..
score is 1-0 at the moment.. but weird thing is tt ac milan players are called by their name but the regina players are glamourously called the regina man.. no matter who they r, he is called the regina man.. how sad..

10:32 AM
1,3,flat 5th - Thursday, April 17, 2008
aww man... juz realized something..
when i came back in dec.. there was this wonderfully pro bluesman tt played at freakishly late hrs at night when pple wanna sleep( bout 1/2 am) n he played pretty loud... my bro was complaining when he first came back n heard him play..
as wif everyone else.. he was saying.. man.. hes gd... but he should find a better time to play..

anyways.. my sis was saying when he heard bout the blues dude, saying tt he n my bro should have like a jamming thingy in the middle of the night.. sort of like a martial art fight but instead of fist,u use music(kapow!!) then my bro will lose n they'll meet up at the mee pok(noodle) store downstair in the kopitiam(coffeeshop) n have my bro become his pupil..

however, i was wondering how long it would take b4 blues dude would kena complain.. seems tt it took bout 3 months.. damn.. n here i was thinking tt singapore super efficient at such complaints..
haizz.. blues dude was great..



10:09 AM
singapura -
woot!! i have internet when i tot i wouldnt...

flight over was fine.. i guess the more u fly budget, the more u used to it u get.. was flipping bored on the plane.. tried sleeping but couldnt sleep.. so i sat there bopping my head to tunes frm beach boys to BB king to guns n roses..(wad a big range of music!!) was pleasant in the sense tt no one sitting beside me so i could stretch into the second person's legroom.. n no one sitting behind me.. so all the way down the seat went..

i prefer flying in the day.. at least when ur bored in the plane.. u can always look out n stare at the fluffy clouds n the blue sky.. n u dun have weird lights now n then below u making u wonder wtf it is...

anyways.. i m thus stuck in humid singapore.. which is fine wif me..
more on the day...
while my bro n i were walking along, we saw this guy n wad seems to be his gf walking along.. as wif most relationships.. poor dude was getting scolded by his gf.. so he juz walked along n like.. darling plz dun be angry kinda thing, which prompted my bro to poor... POOR DUDE!!

the rest of my day was spent in the library reading comics then going down to some dinner wif the relatives coz it was 1 of the aunties b'day.. anything amusing during the day?? not much i suppose..

glad to report that all's well in the sunny little island of singapore..

best thing today ... DURIAN!!!!! YUM YUM YUM!!


9:17 AM
soul man!! - Monday, April 14, 2008
how do u dance like tt... N STILL LOOK SO COOL!!!

9:07 AM
It's a hundred and six miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. -

hmm.. going back again tmr.. n ima still lookin 4 my usb..
im half packed... not half unpacked.. n is still using the com at 12 midnight.. who cares.. can always sleep on the plane...

anyways.. watched the blues brothers recently.. funny show.. features a stellar cast consisting of ray charles.. aretha franklin.. james brown and john lee hooker(boom boom dude)...

gotta love them.. if u nvr watched it.. WATCH IT!!

6:05 AM
should be starting my work - Wednesday, April 9, 2008
today was spent after school doing the parent teacher interview thing.. im not sure if im the only one tt did this but my jaws hurt my pretend smiling.. damnit!! n laugh at the teacher's lil joke.. thankfully as teens, we have all been highly trained in the area of pretence.. i sat there and nodded at every comment the teacher said.. n yup-ed my way thru it.. haizz... waste of my time.. as expected teachers all said.. "u have to study harder".. which is i think a script designed by all the teachers to have little liability in case they get sued by the parent or something..

now.. i realized sometime ago tt i CANNOT study when its quiet.. if its juz the book, me and the crickets outside.. i cant study.. juz get very distracted which is y i always did my work in front of a com.. n also coz i din have my own room.. but now.. after moving in for a while now, i shall introduce u to my NEW BEST FRIEND!!!

his name is Ilife but to u.. its MISTER Ilife.. As u might've noticed, tis an apple related product coz of the I in the name..
its a stereo speaker thingo tt obviously connects to my oh so wonderful ipod..
music on the go... ohh yeah

n being the lazy person tt i m.. the remanants of the previous inhabitant still lingers in the small room..

in case u cant read.. it says ivan, we'll miss you..

n in staying in the room.. i think i even m starting to look like him!!


3:51 AM
annoying buggers -
damn... y did noah juz HAVE to bring the pesky mosquitoes on board his ark??

7:25 AM
plans 4 world domination.. i mean.. rat domination - Monday, April 7, 2008
annoying headache....

anyways... day 3?? of the mouse hunt... still no mouse caught..
last night woke up at like 2+ am to get a drink.. then something moved.. as most pple would go.. i went wtf?!? n got a jump.. then realized the frigging mouse was on the counter..

then tracked it down wif my very superior skills of tracking to find tt it was under the microwave.. so i bent down n stared at the mouse.. had my ratatouile moment wifout it being in my hand..
meanwhile.. was thinking how to kill the mouse.. thoughts like.. use insecticide ran thru my mind.. but then realized tt the insecticide could do dunno wad thing to the microwave.. so scrapped that plan.. anyways.. if anyone got plan to help me kill rat.. plz tell.. i cant think atm..

therefore wif a trusty $3 slipper in my hand.. i tried to hit the microwave on the right so it would run out to the left.. then whack him when he came out.. but then since its flipping 2 in the morn.. reaction time aint as fast as i tot it was.. so i didnt even take a whack.. it was juz tt fast.. or i was juz tt slow.. but i'm a "cup is half full" kinda guy so ya.. the mouse was fast..

n tt was the end of it.. wonder if i can catch it tonight...

the mouse killing phantom wif a headache!!

8:12 AM
parkour getting biggeR??! woot!! - Friday, April 4, 2008
wow... surprised ling ling knew wad parkour was.. except.. she noes it as the sport where people jump frm building to building wifout dying.. lol!!

speaking of which... have a busy schedule tmr... go 4 walk thru the bible, which is frm 1 to bout 6?? then if there's time.. go pk while phil n them play basketball... then watch them breakdance..
after allllllllll tt, i come home to do 2 epws.. oh wad a wonderful life i lead..

recently, i decided tt everyday i would treat someone better... sooo... we shall see how it goes...


6:55 AM
mousehunt.. ratatouile.. tom n jerry???? who cares!! - Thursday, April 3, 2008

who cares... lets juz get me a dead rat..

in light of the very exciting old mice movies, a mouse has somehow tried to become part of our household... n as wif all families.. EXTERMINATION IS KEY!!

i juz hope tt my house doesnt end up like the house frm mouse hunt..

we shall be using our very high tech mouse trap bought frm bunnings which cost $4.95... sounds too gd to be true?? it is.. we had to bend 1 of the wires ourselves to make the darn thing work.. haha.. dad got his hand snapped by the thing bout twice n was therefore commenting how b4 the rat got killed, we would get hit so many times.. tt darn thing actually hurts.. no broken bones though, might juz be a small bruise on his hand..

something tells me it aint gonna be tt nice,like the movies suggests. i dun think we'll end up holding the mouse in our hands n end up working wif the mouse..
will tell u guys wad happens... n if anyone was wondering... we used cheese 4 the bait..
tis kinda like tom n jerry..

man... aus is rat infested.. second time i seen a rat in aus.. 1st time i saw it, told manager n he killed it easily wif a broom.. n here we r at home playing cat n mouse wif the mouse..

the exterminating phantom..


7:57 AM
boredom creates creativity?? - Wednesday, April 2, 2008
wanna noe wad i get up to when i'm bored?? i do things like this!!

hehe... mac's photo booth is fun to play wif...

n my normal pic... 4 those of u tt havent seen me in a while... this pic aint flatterin.. so MIGHT post some better looking pic soon..

anyways... gd nite everyone.. have fun ya??

the phantom