
Extras and history


Everyday story
1:26 AM
- Friday, May 30, 2008
first major exam in bout 2/3 yrs.. aint stress one bit.. wow.. i think the taking of major exams in the past numbs u after a while.. after a few yrs... major exams juz become another test which u have to sit down n do.. juz another day at school...


7:25 AM
all teh power to u - Wednesday, May 28, 2008
respect.. tt's all i have to say bout gordan ramsey.. no doubt he swears a lot but at least he noes wad hes doing...

all the power to u gordan ramsey...

the passion he possesses n the business mind is great.. its really wonderful how 1 man can make a business n how another man can break the business... the episode i watched was bout the italian buiness in america where the owner thinks hes so great.. he takes so much pride in his appearance.. even if the business is loseing money at a large rate..

then he came and he turned the business round.. not afraid to stand up to him.. n even personally investing in the business.. such is the passion he has.. even if it is staged n sponsored, he din have to do it..

if only i could have as much business mind as him.. if only..
but then again.. these r only ifs.. we shall see wad happens when im older.. whos noes?? maybe one day, u'll see me on the cover page of forbes500..

one day...

6:59 AM
the period we have dreaded is upon us.. arm urself my fellow rossy-iers, be brave and stand firm against the onslaught of the evil which we call.... THE EXAMS!!! gd luck brave soldiers n march on...

anyways.. recently i went to watch indiana jones n my conclusion is... it sucked...
now if only i can find someone to gimme iron man.. anyone out there??

2:07 AM
rolley poley - Friday, May 23, 2008
i feel bad.. telemarketer called n asked if i understood chinese n i pretended that i didnt.. but i fell for that trap once n shall not fall for it again..

twas a decent day.. we went bowling instead of badminton coz the stadium closed... wad a lame excuse..

first time bowling n i bowled a strike.. WOOT!! but it was a weird one.. coz the ball hit n the pins fell as u'd expect but then 2 still were left standing n so i turned round to get another ball.. took it n when i stared down the alley, the 2 pins were gone.. n the screen said i had a strike.. so.. tis weird..

n saw some funny methods of bowling.. sarah's method was basically drop the ball on the lane thingy n watch it roll down.. n she was beating everyone else with 80.. came 2rd.. i came 3nd with 79 n ken was first... damn!!

balls flew back to the crowd.. misses and strikes were often.. fun was had by all..

5:36 AM
si vous pouvez comprendre ceci, vous êtes bon au Français. veuillez me dire si c'est exact aussi ! ! - Thursday, May 22, 2008
twas an interesting day today.. megat fell off his chair.. sort of.. while placing his bag on the chair, the bag slipped off and dragged him down to the floor..

then in the phy p0, there was this question on converting nanometers to meters.. now.. if anyone noes wad the ans plz raise ur hand coz i din noe.. but the wonderful invention we call the calculator that can do it.. there's a program on our calc tt can do it n silly megat din noe bout it.. so FAIL!!

day of laughs n giggles.. no p0 left.. n a week of study till exams so woot!!

life is great... lg

2:55 AM
boring test.. stressful guy - Wednesday, May 21, 2008
gnt was disappointing today but oh wells... nothing i can do bout it now.. pretty funny how some pple think im so laidback.. meh... twas cold in the morn today.. freezing when i go to my period 0.. at least i din have to ride to school.. worst thing was last night as i went to sleep.. it got hell annoying as stupid things like x'2= x plus something something... n triangles were always there... it gets annoying when all i wanna do is kick back n relac.. life is cruel at times..

econs was the best test i had so far... twas mcq n then 35 min to do 30 question.. but then again its circling boxes...

oh wells.. at least there's juz phy period 0 tmr.. gd luck to me!! n u too..

6:09 AM
concurrently experimenting wif different colours - Tuesday, May 20, 2008

damn.. its tt time of the term again n again im stuck studying 4 period 0 again.. then tmr shall be spent study period 0 for physics.. sian!! muz go find out wad room im in..
anyways... on to happier notes.. have u ever noticed how blue the sky is?? tis nice..
wads up this week?? let's see... today is.. tuesday and had nothing yesterday.. had a period off yesterday which is always gd.. n at night when i shouldve studied, i wasted on time on rambo 4.. do urselves a favour n not bother watching it.. it sucks.. like.. the ending was hella stupid!! then we went to watch bourne ultimatum which i din finish watching coz i had to sleep.. this was like.. at 1 am.. at today after school.. bro n i camped in front of tv again watching jumper.. was decent i guess.. n we r planning to watch the previous indiana jones titles b4 watching it on sunday at the cinema.. tickets r $10 bucks n showtime's at night.. if u wanna come juz contact me..

oh well.. we shall see where our little movie spree takes us..
alas its 9.14 n my book/bed beckons.. shall go spend time pretending to study else mum gets annoyed at me.. night everyone n those having tests.. GOOD LUCK! not tt u smart pple need any..

oh btw.. vid of my youth practicing for mum's day performance can be found here: http://serene555.blogspot.com/2008/05/for-mothers.html

sorry took a while.. kinda forgot to link it.. obviously is at a friend's blog..


3:07 AM
- Sunday, May 18, 2008
check this dude's blog out: http://penquest.wordpress.com

its a guy's review on pens.. n 1 mechanical pencil(which i m a fan of).. prefer mechanical pencils to pens i guess..

im guessing he's really anal bout his pens.. n has lots of pencils

3:32 AM
- Saturday, May 17, 2008
few things i learned at cynth's post-birthday birthday party:

1. bel is amazing at figuring out chords..
2. sam n a few other pple can indeed sing
3. pple r crazy enough to swim when its freezing
4. do not ever ever ever tell anyone who u like(sam got caught wif this.. silly person)

6:04 AM
recent happenings.. - Wednesday, May 14, 2008
hmm.. interesting things tt happened this week??
1. had intro calc period zero in the morn today.. twas alrite
2. then played a song with my cell in church on mom's day
3. went for my first ever classical concert which chris was playing at.. changed my opinion bout wad a classical concert would be like...

tis turning out to be a decent week.. let's see how it goes then..

8:26 AM
- Monday, May 5, 2008
the one thing i possibly miss most bout kfc??

hmm.. the big sinks that i could wash the dishes in.. n the fact tt i din have to care how much water i was using..

4:41 AM
its seriously not fun showering in autumn/winter wifout the heater.. feels like ice coming out of the nozzle..

8:19 AM
improv - Sunday, May 4, 2008
sometimes i juz get hella annoyed by my mum more on tt later.. after hella long.. we finally caught the mouse but it wasnt wif the mouse trap coz well.. let's juz say it wasnt working too well..

anyways.. howd we catch it?? we did it thru a fedex box!! it was basically a fedex box, a piece of string, a subway cookie tt had been sitting on the table for a few days now so it wasnt edible anyways so who cares if the rat eats it n dies.. n the cookie was covered wif peanut butter to attract the rat... few misses at first till i waited for some scratching sound to noe tt it went in already and then pulled the string n trapped it inside.. as opposed to the factory manufactured $10 mouse trap which we fitted wif a slice of cheese stereotyping the mouse.. now we noe.. mice do not like cheese as we believed they did..

now comes the annoyin bit.. i wanted to kill the rat but my mum wouldnt let me saying it was "too cruel" to kill it in front of her.. so i offered to kill it somewhere where she din BUT SHE STILL REFUSED!! so darn annoyed can!!

so she took it out n released it.. LIKE WTF?!?!? we spent sooooooooooooooo long trying to catch a mouse smaller than my hand n she freaking released it outside.. like how inconsiderate is tt?!?! n then wad if it goes into another person's house?!?!

bit of animal fact.. u noe how some animals like pigeons can recognise the way home even if it keep it in some box n not let it see its surroundings?? i think mice have it too.. COZ I FLIPPING SAW THE MOUSE AGAIN1?!?! LIKE DAMNIT!!!!

better not be the same damn mouse.. so here we r all over again trying to catch 1 small mouse.. n this time no matter wad i WILL kill it..

stupid thing..


9:08 AM
bass - Friday, May 2, 2008
i love the bass.. i dunno how to play the bass but i love the way it sounds when played right.. like this dude..

n theres also grand maestro mr VICTOR WOOTEN!!
his name already tells u WOOT!!