
Extras and history


Everyday story
6:16 AM
update on my brother - Tuesday, June 24, 2008
n this juz popped into my mind...

ladies n gentlemen of myinnergroove.blogspot.com, i bring u the latest P plater in da house!! IVAN!!*clap clap clap*

yes yes.. my bro has finally passed his Ls after failing bout 4 times?? apparently not his fault coz the people at morley have really ridiculously high standards n kept failing him 4 stupid reasons.. even the testers at willagee agreed and said morley has received a ton of complaints...
would've photoshopped his face into the L or something but no time!! gotta start revising phy!!

moral of the story?? do not go morley to take Ls...


6:04 AM
random reminders of wad the nxt days bring -
busy busy day tmr.. annoying phy period 0 in the morn which ima gonna bum out on coz i have no idea wad im doing.. n then theres the intro epw which i have some idea wad to do.. then have bout 10 more english reading viewin journals to do.. annoying n takes long to do..

haizz..lets see.. then we have econs test thingo on thursday, then gnt epw due nxt week.. hmm.. teachers have nvr heard of a thing called a break.. cant they save such goodies 4 nxt term??

but oh wells.. these shall all come to pass n will have to end SOMEDAY... n amazingly, i started to think bout where to go after highschool, after NS n after uni... or at least started thiking wad to do IN uni.. advertising sounds fun n all but will i be able to make a living of it?? when i grow old n have a soccerteam of children running round the house wif a dog named after some funky superhero... hmm... a dog named "ironman".. sounds cool...

2 more weeks to holis or to be exact, 12 more days.. n then theres the econ investigation.. woot!! sounds like its gonna be a very busy 12 days..

i miss exams.. it was so much easier and slack.. juz go home n study n somedays dun have to go school..
should start studying 4 phy now..

backgroundmusic mood: vultures by john mayer

6:13 AM
ikea.. place wif cool beans furniture - Saturday, June 21, 2008
a few days ago, my bro and mum went to ikea to buy some stuff from ikea.. they returned wif 2 chairs.. 1 of which we had to build ourselves and this is it..

cool beans huh?? but the darn thing was a pain in the fishball to build... Building it was basically an entire workout on its own juz coz the bars din fit together very properly so my bro and i had to pull the bars while my mum screwed the nail in..

other chair is this..

cute eh?? juz something to rest the legs on..

ikea is so cool.. if only i could be as creative as them..

4:10 AM
i feel like watchin lion king.. RAWR!! - Monday, June 16, 2008
damn.. dun like my gnt exam mark.. today i achieved a first in my life.. the first time i ever topped the class(from the bottom).. tt sucks.. then i juz passed intro calc.. oh wells.. juz goes to show i aint gd at math..

anyways.. i also realized 1 thing today.. most of u out there in cyberspace might get shit results n cry.. either tt or u'd be visibly upset.. me, being the weirdo i m, after receiving my 2 bad results in a row still ended up making jokes bout my results n laughing in class.. i was seriously laughing n not at all caring bout my exam results at all! this is not wad i actually expected myself to do.. tts not wad im meant to do but hey.. i aint no conformists so to hell wif wad im meant to do.. im gonna be myself... im gonna be carefree like a bird flying in the air.. hakuna matata everyone.. hakuna matata..

hmm.. is being carefree really such a bad thing??

8:57 AM
sizzled - Saturday, June 14, 2008
since the exams r very thankfully over, some friends n i went down to sizzler to eat.. salt n pepper flew in all directions as we spiked a few pples drinks n watch them get annoyed.. adrian got a bit stupid n poured almost a shaker full of pepper into paul's drink coz he din noe tt the cap was unscrewed.. dumb!! n i unscrewed it in front of him..

kids ran everywhere n lots of food n fun was had..
now to juz wait 4 the dreaded monday to come when we get our results back.. better enjoy my freedom while i can..


9:13 AM
- Thursday, June 12, 2008
5 down, 1 to go.. woot!!

4:49 AM
thought of the day - Saturday, June 7, 2008
fear.. we all have it in some way,shape or form n it gets really annoying at times.. it hinders our movements and impairs decisions.. but then again?? wad is fear?? y do we fear things that we noe we can do?? for some of us.. public speaking is a great fear but y??

we all noe that we can stand in front of people and talk coz i mean.. tt's wad we do when we socialize rite?? we stand in front of others and we talk to them.. maybe not like 30 pairs of eyes staring at us but we socialize in a big group at times rite?? wads so different bout speaking to 30 pple?? n when u think bout it.. probably 10 of them arent listening at all so actually ur speaking to bout 20 pple.. tt's managable rite??

some of us even fear talking to others but u actually have the power to conquer that fear.. look round ur life n u'll see that u have friends.. how can u have friends if u dun talk to them??

therefore i conclude.. fear is silly.. its juz an obstacle that we have to clear.. sometimes it juz seems like a huge tall wall but there are ways to go past any wall, no matter how big or tall it is.. we can choose to walk round it or to blow a hole in it.. if all else fails, climb it.. jump n pull urself up or juz use a ladder.. all it takes is time if u really wanna conquer it..

my new found ambition?? to be fearless...

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9:35 AM
- Wednesday, June 4, 2008
sleep... tis a very annoying thing.. cant live wifout it but when u sometimes wan to sleep.. u juz cant.. its all the more annoying when u have an important exam to wake up 4 early in da morning..

me thinks me should decide on a colour for the font... red.. n purple??


11:58 PM
being punctual... is not one of my strengths.. - Monday, June 2, 2008
those of u who went out wif me anywhere would noe tt punctuality is not my strength(should start working on it huh).. today was juz proof of this...

had a physics exam.. big big exam.. n i tot it was at 9.50 so tt's the time i rocked up to school at...
walked in and strolled round the corridors to the back of the school.. in my mind was thinking "eh?? y so empty one?? weird sia!!!" then walked to demountables n then someone told me.. UR SOOOOOOOOO LATE!!!

turns out it wasnt 9.50.. it was meant to be 9.00!!! OMG!!!
so went in sat down n chionged my exam.. n finished wif 1 question to go when everyone else finished.. n they said they juz finished.. n the teachers gave me 30 extra min coz i was late.. so i had bout 30 min to do 1 question n review everything else..

wad an adrenaline rush so early in the morning.. crazy man..