
Extras and history


Everyday story
5:32 AM
new kids on da block - Sunday, July 27, 2008
interesting stuff happened this week..

2 new youths came to our cell... taha n yang(dunno if tt's how they spell his name.. but oh wells)..
twas interesting n refreshing at the same time to meet new people.. nice to see the other pple talking to the new kids too..

also nice to see how our communication skills have improved over the last 2 yrs..

9:08 AM
flicking tech - Thursday, July 24, 2008

mood: is currently annoyed.. needa print something but printer aint at home..
trying to save .doc on usb but word keeps crashing.. refuses to save..

darn microsoft!!!

10:32 AM
failure to communicate - Wednesday, July 16, 2008

haha.. an interesting thing juz happened... ivan juz went down to buy toothpaste which subsequently woke my grandma up while he was closing the door.. she then asked me where he went.. in very broken teochew, i said something to the equivalent of "he went down to buy colgate".. being old, my grandma believes all toothpaste is made by darlie, represented by the black n white man.. therefore she said " oh.. he go buy black man??"

oh man.. now i really have seen it all.. 7-11 selling a black man.. I WAN ONE!! jkjk... cant imagine binding someone to me, serving me hand n foot... juz aint my style.. slavery sucks..

all this is is obviously translated into english coz if i type the hanyu ping ying, it might be hard to understand.. therefore bring a total waste of my time..

9:51 AM
wah!!! flicking hot!! - Saturday, July 12, 2008
back in singapore.. n its flicking humid n hot here.. sweating like a leaky tap..
anyways.. 1 of the major things i bought was a book by john c. maxwell.. for those unfamiliar wif him, he's a motivational speaker on leadership..

the book has sparked a new interest in me which is to basically add value to others.. instead of pulling people down, i shall start uplifting n raising people up.. hmm.. i wonder how long this.. ambition of mine is going to last.. oh wells.. tts wad friends r 4 rite?? u guys r meant to be there to remind me to lift...

2:31 AM
- Tuesday, July 1, 2008
WHAT THE CRAP!?!?!?!? i juz found out minutes ago that my bro had senesthesia or to be more exact colour-sound senesthesia which means that if he hears a note, he can see it as a colour as well... apparently he also has shape-taste senesthesia which means if he eats something, he sees it as a shape... let's say if he eats a spicy food, he sees a jagged shape..

haha... apparently last time when he was young, he went n told my mum after he ate something sweet that he sees a round shape n my mum said, as all mums do, "rubbish.. stop imagining things like that"

n he's the only one in the family to have it... damn.. always wanted something cool like that....

might explain y he's so gd at art.. n i... let's juz say im gd at drawing stickmen..