
Extras and history


Everyday story
8:50 AM
soccer ftw!!! - Saturday, August 23, 2008
today had zionlympics therefore had to wake up stupidly early... alarm went off n i looked at my watch.. was 7.40 n was wondering y i set my alarm tt early coz i dun even wake up tt early on weekdays then realized they picking me up at bout 8.30..

telematch was decent but loved playing soccer.. each team(5 players n 1 sub) plays 2 matches n we won 1 lost 1..
first match won 1-0.. the only reason was coz the goalie deflected my shot wif his hand( which was not allowed coz goalpost a bit too small.. it was on target though!! so i wouldve scored i think.. teehee...

2nd match lost 2-0... not bad considering we have 2 people tt arent very sporty n the rest was decent i guess.. everyone did a great job though!! another team lost to them 3-0 so 5 young kids( i was oldest.. youngest was 13) n the rest were 20 y.o guys.. unfair coz we were the only team tt had girls..

its funny how the losing team always goes... eh.. play play la.. play 4 fun la.... but when they winning they super serious.. oh well..

after match went home n as soon as i stepped out of the car my stupid leg decided to cramp on me.. twas so bad i couldnt bend my knee n the muscle was juz this massive lump.. thank goodness 4 mum coz she help me rub while i roll on the floor

then at night went for family dinner.. boring as usual... juz sit there n stone..

oh well.. .social obligations

currently watching: olympics table tennis( China vs Sweden)

3:51 AM
- Tuesday, August 19, 2008
nothing better to make u feel tt u achieve something than to build a cupboard, pull weeds in the garden n help out in exo... all tt in 3 days..

7:46 AM
how to not sound rude... - Wednesday, August 13, 2008
many things have happened recently.. few people to say stuff to
a) to my special friend, glad u've rededicated ur life to god..
b) to my wonderful leaders, im so sorry 4 ur loss..
c) to god, thank you for the wonderful people who time n time again test our wavering patience
d) to whoever's reading, hi! :)

so confused.. how do you ask someone wad birth abnormality do they have wifout making it sound so darn rude?

"hi john..... umm... i.... umm.... was thinking for ur own safety.. may i noe wad happened to u??"

HEY!! tt might be wad i say.. was way way way better than

"hey john.. umm.. i.. umm... was thinking wtf's wrong wif ur hand!?!?!"
obviously john aint no real person n therefore the problem with the hand does not exist... but he-who-i-shall-not-name.. i still dunno wad to do..


7:20 AM
- Thursday, August 7, 2008
physics test... annoyingly difficult..

4:44 AM
currently hating diving monkeys.. - Sunday, August 3, 2008
went to train wif chippa n harley frm melb yesterday at garbo.. is currently sore..

on more interesting news.. i went to play wif my bike computer thingo n went out 4 a ride.. apparently!! if i configured the thing correctly.. i m able to run bout 3km in bout 13:44.. nono.. not 13 yrs n 44 days but 13 min 44 sec.. seems i aint as unfit as i tot..

wad surprised me most was the distance frm school to home.. 4 those of u tt dunno.. i WALK home after school almost everyday.. speedo thingo says tt frm school to home is a wooping 4 km.. which i take bout 45min - 1 hr to walk..