
Extras and history


Everyday story
10:49 AM
new blog.. this will still continue though - Sunday, September 28, 2008
new blog is at www.wispywritings.blogspot.com.. this blog is basically 4 me to post wadeva story i write.. din wanna come clog up this blog wif the massive long posts which will be short stories.. no novels frm me atm, juz too long to post on a blog. shall attempt it someday though.. it might not be frequently updated but oh well.. ideas come when ideas come.. shall post a notifier on this to inform u guys bout the new post on ww. ww shall be short 4 wispywritings yeah? easier..

i guess i chose the name juz coz ideas r wispy.. google defines wispy as

  • wisplike: thin and weak; "a wispy little fellow with small hands and feet"- Edmund Wilson
  • dim: lacking clarity or distinctness; "a dim figure in the distance"; "only a faint recollection"; "shadowy figures in the gloom"; "saw a vague outline of a building through the fog"; "a few wispy memories of childhood

obviously juz copy n paste but the important thing is that idea r indeed thin n weak.. in our mind it lacks clarity until you put pen to paper( or in this case, finger to keyboard).. when it's written, you can then freely express urself and the ideas will start flowing and soon, it'll be like a flood and you can just picture the scene in your mind. the long river winding down the middle of the picture, the birds flitting around in the sky without a care in the world. it can be as detailed as u want it to be. it can be basic. u can juz describe it as a forest with lots of trees or u can go.. an thick forest with birds flyin freely in the cloudless sky, squirrels darting across the forest floor and the monkeys swinging in the foliage. a musty wooden smell was in the air and the sweet harmony of birds echo through the forest. the air was damp from the recent rain and water was still trickling down and off the brown autumn leaves.

hows tt?? better than a forest with lots of trees hey? ideas r fleeting. here 1 moment n then gone the nxt. its wad we do with the idea tt matters.

i write 4 the joy of writing. it releases and frees me to explore a world not of this earth and allows me to go where ever i wan. i can be a bird flying free in the sky or i can be a detective on the case of a murder. no matter who i m in real life, no matter where i m, i can always pretend to be someone else.

it's been a long 2 yrs since i wrote a decent story. its been 2 long yrs since i even WROTE a story so forgive me if the first few works aren't up to scratch. allow me to flex my intellectual muscles first, then i shall hopefully produce something of value.


8:16 AM
- Saturday, September 27, 2008
sfas was awesome... pics n vids coming online soon... hopefully..

after the wonderful performance, a few thank yous r in order
1. to ling ling 4 wonderfully choreographing the entire song n also painting the banner... which reminds me.. DAMNIT I LEFT THE BANNER THERE!!!
2. to sam.. 4 keeping everyone in check n making practice fun
3. to alvin.. 4 patiently teaching those tt need help
4. to joel, hannah, jason n taha.. 4 putting in the effort n coming to practice

hope u all had fun..

8:16 AM
tmnt, tmnt, turtles in a nutshell!! TURTLE POWER!! - Friday, September 26, 2008
tmr's sfas!! gotta dance 4 it.. shall see if we can get someone to take a vid 4 us... hope we dun screw up.. haha.. if u dun see a vid it might be coz of tt...

best thing tt happened today?? TERM 3 HAS OFFICIALLY ENDED!! WOOT!!
but sad thing is tmr they picking me up at friggin 8 in the morn.. tt means bout 7 muz wake up... like go to work.. so early.. so sleepy... oh wells... at least she's there...

nxt on the agenda, we have mr ninja turtle.. maybe he's the nxt disicple of master splinter to fight shredder's son or something.. hehe..


obviously the one on the left in the pic on the right..

shall not talk bout depressing things like assignments in this post coz its meant to be happy but there is a bucketload of it man.. which sucks...

haha... have to rmb to throw the perishables in the fridge.., sis going back for a week on sun then i going back 4 2 weeks on mon therefore no one here to eat it.. if i forget then gg, i gonna have a very stinky fridge..

kkz.. gtg sleep liao so nite nite my blog readers...

8:30 AM
- Thursday, September 25, 2008
anxiously waiting 4 last day of school.. come on time.. u can crawl faster than tt... crawl as fast as when i sleep....

oh wells... off to sew the canvas...

5:40 AM
- Tuesday, September 23, 2008
sian... wad to put on the leaver's jumper??

5:11 AM
- Wednesday, September 17, 2008
i juz saw the grossest thing in my food..
there i was eating the noodles which my auntie cooked until suddenly.... something stared up at me.. no... it wasnt a bug.. no it wasnt a worm.... it was a friggin bandaid!!! a plaster 4 u singaporeans... uber disgusting!!!!

it was the kind where it slips off ur finger n into the food.. at least i din chew it...

wads the most disgusting food u've found in ur food??

6:39 AM
10 things im glad 4 today - Monday, September 15, 2008
tot it would be nice not to lump tt sad sounding post wif this happy post. this is a new column im starting to make myself be thankful for the things i already have rather than go thinking i wan this n tt.. tt juz creates a very materialistic n hollow existence( WAD IS WIF MY EMONESS ATM!!! geometry n trig does this to u..)

  1. im thankful for the friends n company i keep and the joy that they bring me
  2. im thankful for wonderful music by wonderful musicians
  3. im thankful for the wonderful weather that we have had today. wasnt sunny but at least it wasnt raining or really windy. i love my sunny weather alrite?
  4. im thankful for the internet
  5. im thankful for the nice fluffy clouds that appear on a clear spring day
  6. im thankful for the alarm clocks that wake me up in the morning
  7. im thankful for uplifiting and positive people
  8. im thankful for the nice bus drivers that chaeuffers me in my big long mercedes-benz every weekday at exactly 8.42, rain or shine
  9. im thankful for the humor that goes on in my day
  10. im thankful for the wonderful invention called the calculator. it moves the sands of time in the rooms where time seems to stop. i swear, some teachers have the remote from click.
hmm... either im a very depressing person or i have a sad life... haha!! got difficult round 5/6.
y dun u try this out too??


6:35 AM
random tots -
sian... stuck here doing epws. shall go have a whack on my guitar later.. tt shall be my reward.. muahahahah!!!!

fridays n sundays r now my look-forward-to days but then when sunday comes, u dread the coming monday again

bro going ns tmr. wonder wad he will look like bald. then it goes onto think wad I would look like bald... looking pretty bad atm..

everyone's getting sick nowadays wif their ridiculously high fever, hope i dun get sick too

2:40 AM
- Tuesday, September 9, 2008
currently hooked on john mayer

7:00 AM
pleased - Monday, September 8, 2008
contented wif myself atm. it dun take much to make me happy.
empty school+joel=happy
joel+buildings= happy
joel+ friends= happy too!!

of course there's many more equations but too many to mention.

happy to report tt dance is coming along nicely too!!!

hmmm.... me thinks i should change my skin. give me a shout if u find a nice skin n jo this doesnt include skins wif anime.

8:33 AM
when i grow up - Saturday, September 6, 2008
when i grow up, not matter wad my job is, they wun believe i m an astronaut. they wun believe im a fire fighter. i might even be a billionaire n they wun believe me.

HOWEVER. wad would they think i m??

they would think tt i sell coffee in the hawker center downstairs. or if in australia, they might think i work in gloria jeans.

see tt?? see all tt red stuff?? tt's all bags n bags of coffee. muz be like.. 10/20 bags of coffee n the scary thing is?? it might only last us for bout 1 or 2 months when 4 normal people. it should last them for a year. n no. this aint photoshopped.

other random stuff i took wif my phone

(yes. i proudly declare tt this cute cow is mine!! its a cow not a pig n it's a handphone holder thingo which i use n its given to me by my wonderful friends tt r currently mugging 4 n doing their prelims. gd luck jo!! GAMBATE!!n u should be studying instead of reading my blog)

(the hockey stadium can be oh so ridiculously boring)


5:32 AM
it's the story of my life - Tuesday, September 2, 2008

an update on wads been happening n wads gonna happen soon


  • metros!!!! tt was awesome. no pics but oh well. who needs pics when u got the human memory. juz another way of saying i was too lazy to take pics. maybe i shall rip them frm school server?

  • Auditions for search 4 a star: i think we're in. but we shall see wad happens

  • sam's recital. Pretty gd. First time going to such a thing. overall a good experience.
  • was walking home today as usual n guess wad!! we saw a bird's wing on the sidewalk. juz 1 wing left wif the feathers intact. had a bone(which i guess belonged to the body) left but still was pretty cool. Nice colour too

  • new phone!! yes yes.. after 4 yrs being stuck wif my old phone. i finally get a new one!! the sony ericsson w910i. black one obviously.


  • work: juz started work again but this time out of responsibility( yes. contrary to popular opinion i M responsible when i have to be). currently working at the curtin hockey stadium collecting entrance fee. involves math skills n skills of entertaining urself while theres no one there. its a perfect job 4 loners. u stuck in a small booth with not much to do except count ur fingers which obviously gets boring very fast. therefore u can sit there n read/listen to ipod/ eat. me thinks im gonna get fat after this job

  • my sister's keeper: this is one awesome book frm jodi picoult. bout this girl who's basically born to donate stuff to her sister(who suffers frm some form of lukemia) to keep her alive.

  • is hating vista. super slow. not many processes running, decent amount of RAM but still taking ages to open apps.
  • Been taking the bus to school n waking myself up in the morning. Humans really have a great ability to adapt to their environment and circumstances.
  • duckling. i noe u'll nvr read this but i miss you.

Going to happen

  • tests n assignments. lots of it. got econs test tmr which i havent studied as usual. Then got some engineering assignment due fri. Another econ test on mon n apparently we're getting an epw tmr. This sucks. but its all gonna pass.
  • going back to singapore!! in bout a 3/4 weeks but who cares. i'm going back to the wonderful land of railings n concrete.
  • maximum impact. hmmm... will i be able to stay 4 this.
  • hiromi's n tate's birthday!!!
  • have exams but tt'll take a while. Bout 6 weeks? oh wells.
