
Extras and history


Everyday story
5:50 AM
wad plant?? a desal plant!! - Thursday, October 30, 2008
the sun was out bright n sunny, yr 11s gathered on the yr 12 lawn to show off their rusty n old solar desal plants.. someone's idea of a desal plant involved magnifying glasses and cloth.. basic physics tells us

magnifying glass + cloth + sun = NOT GD!!

he left it in the sun 4 a bit n then realized tt his cloth CAUGHT FIRE!! 
other weird happenings included our solar desal plant collecting 1 drop of water, even though we din put water in it to test it due to lack of time

got marked by mr lampard n he gave us 4.5 out of 10 but we protested. stupidly hard marker, he was the only one tt was marking wif a marking key. in the end, then later recess, someone came to tell me tt our score was raised!! WOOT!!

frm a low 4.5 to a 7!! how big a gap is tt!?! shows the inconsistency. thank god they marked it again.. gd waste of 2 periods though. if only they made it the original 5 periods. haizz.. guess u cant always get wad u wan


7:53 AM
- Wednesday, October 29, 2008
exams are bout a week away.. only revision ive done is intro. revision done up to chap 5 but theres 13 chaps.. 5 more subs to revise in 7 days.. can i do it??

n somehow, im still not tt stressed.. i think im weird.. some people i know would be hyperventilating into some paper bag n im still here blogging.. haha..

6:18 AM
men r frm mars, women r frm venus - Sunday, October 26, 2008
recently was part of an interesting conversation.. poor guy says to 2 sisters saying how they r getting to look more alike 1 another.. we shall call him person A, 1st sister person B n 2nd sister person C

Person A: ooh.. u 2 r getting more alike each other, either u (person B) is putting on weight, or u (person C) is losing weight

poor person A got whacked by person C juz coz he said she was losing weight. Person B, though was gaining weight, was quite happy coz she thinks she's too skinny.

3 guys standing there.. din understand at all.. until...

Person C: U say i last time fat isit?? need to lose weight isit??

3 guys then understood.. n here we were thinking Person A so nice give compliment n still gets hit.. 6 pple there, 3 guys 3 girls, 3 tot compliment, other 3 tot insult.. haizz.. the diff tween guys n girls.. we'll nvr understand each other..

12:12 AM
oops - Saturday, October 25, 2008
being the very impatient person tt i m, i got a bit annoyed while ironing my school uniform coz the temperature was low n it was taking a while.. so doing wad any annoyed person would do, i cranked it up to the max...

n subsequently burned my shirt a bit.. now it has some yellow thingo which wasnt there b4.. sian

goes i aint very gd at this.. anyone wanna be my personal shirt ironer person??

7:49 AM
RAWR!!! - Thursday, October 23, 2008
stupid bus driver.. today was so happy in the morning coz i had first period off.. took a bus down to school n the dumb bus was late.. few other rossy kids boarded the bus as well n when we reached school, they got off. i only started going to the door when bus stopped moving coz tt's wad ur meant to do rite? reached the door when the others got off the bus n tt fishball head of a bus driver closed the door when i JUZ reach the door.

the rest din even get off 5 sec b4 me n he closed the door. yelled frm the back to ask him to open door but knn he dun wan open door!! still drive off.. so walk up to the front n ask him open. still sitting in the bus lane coz got cars in the nxt lane n so he cant get out.. reach down there n then he pulls out of the lane n i asked him y he din let me off.. idiot says coz i wasnt at the door.. i so was at the door.. n they say us asians have bad eyesight. i beg to pardon.

so then he drops me at the nxt bus stop which was bout a 2/3 min walk away. not tt im too lazy to do tt but still!!

WTF?!?! late n still can be so annoying.. service industry has now gone down the toilet..


6:56 AM
exam timetable rants - Wednesday, October 22, 2008
me: *clicked back one too many times on the net.. somehow cannot forward bak to the page*
nick= nice one *moves hand in despair n accidentally hits the reset button*
others= nicer one!!

anyways... today was gd... sitting here last night almost cried man!! dunno how to do n then when i went in to do my gnt p0, so happy!!! I THINK I CAN PASS!! YAY!!!

on the other hand, exam timetable's come out.. end up wif my timetable being hell fked up... annoyed...

on 1 day alone, econ in morn, engineering in afternoon n then nxt day afternoon have gnt.. my worst sub.. die!!!

sam has the nicest timetable, 1 exam then 1 day break. rinse n repeat 4 all 6 exams.. lucky bugger..

others, not so happy. econ, chem, phy n gnt all 1 after another.. seriously.. wad were the friggin admin pple thinking.. they changed the original one, which was fine, juz coz 20 pple had bout 3/4 in the first week alone.. now they've changed it to like this, even more pple r gonna complain.. im pretty sure more than 20 pple have those 4 subs, prob most of the asians in school..

7:57 AM
chicken stratched, but failed - Tuesday, October 21, 2008
here i m, 11 pm at night studying 4 gnt 4 p0. do until wan cry already can!!!! everything in the textbook looks like gibberish.. might as well be written by the mayans.

really need god's grace tmr. we shall see wad we can pull out of the hat tmr.

i think ima go fail tmr's p0.. so if u dun see me after tmr, u noe wad killed me..

1:58 AM
unleashing the creativity within - Thursday, October 16, 2008

found this pic in some store at plaza sing.. cool beans eh??

man.. today's physics test was bad... very bad... this might be due to the fact tt i spent 30 min juz fluffing around b4 sitting down n really studying... this 30 min was spent wisely going in n out of my room taking random thingos like my waterbottle, the ipod speaker, the watch n food, then refilling my bottle over n over again..

then hunkered down to a hardcore study session coz it was 10+ n i was gonna sleep at 11.. only to be distracted by the light in front of me.. n my phone, which i used to take pics.. haha this was
wad i was up to...

then went.. oh no!!! 11!!! kkz.. shall study 30 more min then go sleep.. will be worse if i cannot wake up or juz fall asleep in the classroom later so i studied bout another 15 min... then came across random pics i drew in class..

obviously not an artist but meh.. when ur bored in class who cares??

so wad do U do in class when bored?

10:30 AM
ironic - Friday, October 10, 2008
the stop button on my watch has decided to stop working..

9:33 AM
how far is too far?? - Thursday, October 9, 2008
hmm... 4 those of u tt live in singapore, 1 quick question... how far is it frm clementi to tiong??

took me 1 hr 15 min to run n so im hoping at least 12k?

ran frm clementi to queenstown mrt station,turn back n almost reaching buena vista i met johnny n paul.. crazy pple asked me run back to tiong which was 4.8 k away.. this took 26 min itself.. was meant to go run back to clementi but too tired so easy way out?? took the mrt!! haha..

my feet will hate me tmr...

7:29 AM
wad the motorcyclist?? - Wednesday, October 8, 2008

this is wad i would call.. PRO!!!!

6:57 AM
ns joke of the day - Friday, October 3, 2008
as narrated by my brother

sir: u all can bring wadeva food u all wan but it has to be dry.. so this means u all can bring things like biscuits la... cookies la.. anything.. as long as its dry

random recruit: MEE POK TA!!!(dry)


6:49 AM
makan makan -
wads the main aim of coming to singapore?? TO EAT OF COURSE!! n eat i definately did..

today at round 12, went down to eat mee pok 4 lunch then went down to alexandra hospital. there, ate 1 roll of popiah and then went down to vivo. round 6, i then ate 1 fried hokkien mee(super gd too), half an ice kachang, half a carrot cake, and then 3 kueh tutus. then less than an hr later, i ate a cup corn and a box of muah chee and to top it all off.. 1 steaming bowl of laksa!!! shiok man!!! funny thing is i still wasnt very full but forced myself not to eat anymore... hehe.. tempting but oh wells..

so here i sitting at home... hmm.. better go run tmr man..


9:15 AM
singapore again - Wednesday, October 1, 2008
managed to quite a fw things today.. went to watch eagle eye with zheng yu, sent bro to pasir ris to be picked up to go into camp, went down to jurong to eat n watch some pple play some diff version of ddr..

this version actually tells u how many calories u burned.. haha.. super weird rite?? n the pple playing seemed to be more skilled than the normal ddr player.. watch 3 pple play.. 1st one was this chick who somehow was playing wif both the step pad thingo.. it was kinda integrated into 1 screen so she wasnt playing 2 pples part, juz 1 player but spread across the entire playing surface.. had the funniest though ever though when watching her play.. as i watched her dance across the surface, all i could think was.. "wow.. her movements r so graceful,so nice and such economic motion"

2nd n 3rd pple were playing together.. they were friends n they were hecka fast.. seemed like something frm utube wif the jap/korean guys playing at insanely fast speeds.. how do u even learn to do such things man!?!?

then went to buy another of john c maxwell's books.. teehee..

seems like this trip aint turning out to be as expensive as the previous ones.. which is gd.. first trip ever i miss someone man..