
Extras and history


Everyday story
6:40 AM
- Saturday, November 22, 2008
i think god has a purpose for creating everything. he created our fingers 4 us to grip things n chickens 4 us to eat. n i think he created flies n crows juz to annoy the heck out of us in the exams. 

in other news, i have a new bedside buddy.


goes to show i do have a soft side eh? haha

n no i din buy it. though not hallmark cute, still luv it

i got my intro exam mark bak. 106 out of 150. though not the highest mark ever(actually is the lowest mark i've heard), who cares, i passed. woot! everything else is still a blur. dun think i ever wanna get it back. now for 2 months of holidays. 

7:47 AM
- Friday, November 14, 2008
thank u ling so so so much 4 the wonderful food! u dunno wad it means to a hungry guy.
prerequisite no 1 of a wife
being able to cook (check)

3 exams down, 3 more to go! WOOT!

7:17 AM
the matrix runs on windows - Wednesday, November 12, 2008

sry.. feeling a bit geeky atm.. gnt does this to u
somehow i can only study at night n tt's not gd!! theres gd tv on at night!!

8:35 AM
RECENT HAPPENINGS - Saturday, November 8, 2008
I FINALLY GOT L PHASE 2! now juz to wait 4 when i come back then can go get my Ps. uber awesome. muahaha. look out world coz it juz got a whole lot more dangerous!! the war 4 the car has officially begun. battlelines have been drawn, face paint painted and swords r sharpened

EXAMS R HERE!! yet im still not stressed. damnit!! i wan the adrenalin pumping thru my veins. maybe i should juz not study then go in 4 the exam. i bet adrenalin would be pumping quite a bit. either tt or juz plain desperation.

finished eng exam on fri. went in, sat down, looked at the paper n decided " i can do this!"
walked out the door " i could not do tt" sad sia. wad was i doing 4 3hrs in tt room?!?! then went home n found my past exam paper frm sem 1 then realized " oh dear, i think im gonna fail this" sem1's was way better though i din noe wad i was doing

church was on fri. now prefer it on the sun though mainly coz then i get more time, dun ask why. normally i would prefer fri though. then sun's freed up to go train at garbo. i wan to feel the sun on my skin, not heat frm a lightbulb!

my bag of 4 yrs has finally zipped its last. it has now gone to be wif its maker(probably some dude in china). he has been a dear friend n a bearer of many a books. frm sec 1 history to yr 11 phy, he has seen more wisdom than i( mostly coz i dun read my books). he has been a recipient of many physical traumas n 4 its sheer tenacity i applaude him. most of u noe him as my bag, i noe him as.... my bag till 3 secs ago i named him zagis. cant bear to throw him away. wad can i say? im a sentimental guy
dear zagis, u shall be sorely missed.

spent most of today at aunty's shop setting up her wireless network, came home then watched tv a bit till sis came back n chased me to my room to study. i think she's more nervous bout this than i m.

preparation 4 phy is mostly done coz notes r all in calc already.

this is a rather long post coz i juz dun wanna go study. my delay tactics.. how wonderful they r. procrastination FTW 4 now anyways. emoness n desperation shall win later. dw. u'll have ur chance

10 more days till it exams end, 11 more days till my yr11 world ends.

5:04 AM
redbull air race - Sunday, November 2, 2008

the sun was shining, planes were flying and flies were abuzzing. yes, i went to the redbull airrace. was pretty gd. the planes were beautiful n so small though. but then again, they had to be small to be agile so yeh. there was 1 particular one i liked. had brietling(prob spelled wrong) on its wing n was yellow n black, like a hornet. dunno the pilot though
at the end of the thing after the race had a wonderful stunt show thingo. 6 planes flying in formation, was a pretty gd show they put up.

love the pilots who show off after their lap. nt many of those though

glad to report fun was had by all