
Extras and history


Everyday story
3:31 AM
christmas in singapore - Sunday, December 21, 2008
this being the festive season, christmas trees r up at most major shopping centers. my mission this christmas is to seek n document them 4 my grandma who's not able to get out of the house anymore due to her sickness. havent gotten many so far but will get the ones at orchard soon enough. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

far shot of the tree at vivo. couldnt really be bothered to take a closer pic. will do it some other night though.

pic of the tree at bugis up close

at bugis as well but a faraway shot of the tree

as the big sign at the back suggests, this was at raffles city. my favourite tree so far

other random pictures of decor in singapore


forgot the road name but its the street beside chijmes