
Extras and history


Everyday story
4:21 AM
multiply numerators together, then multiply denominators. top then bottom - Wednesday, February 25, 2009
recap on wad's been happening

sun: went to benedix's house to help him garden. saw many strange creatures n alvin jumped many many times. like everytime he saw some weird animal he jumped. then realized evelyn had a side i nvr knew existed. hahah.. caught some weird looking lizard which alvin said was a snake(so obviously wasnt coz no scales n stuff). she kept saynig kill it n took an axe to REPEATEDLY chop the thing.. was a bit confused n she kept saying "animals r very smart, they always want to trick u one!! they pretend they die liao then later they run away!)

mon: hmmm... monday?? seemed so far away. cant really rmb wad happened on mon. nothing much i think??

tues: unite in the early morn then at the end of school, found out ling's stuff got stolen :( money n the necklace gone. N WE GOT OUR LEAVER'S JUMPER!! WOOT!! dun really like it though.. weird material. polyester n cotton rather than the fluffy 100% cotton. we all tot it was corrick's fault 4 ordering the wrong thing but apparently,according to councillor belinda, it's the jumper maker's fk up coz they dunno did wad. dun like it coz its so plain too :( in case anyone's still wondering, traceur's the name on the back

wed/today: doing a short short short post coz needa go study soon. darn manga. so addicting. found out tt yr 12s r indeed stupid. having epws today n in both epws we cant use calculators. so many of us stressing out bout multiplying fractions n factorising quadratics,which is basically yr 9 stuff.. unlucky pple had both calc n applic epws today. unluckyier pple had both epw n phy n chem experiments to do! haha.. spent double phy twirling a rubber stopper over our heads to calculate centrifugal force 4 some experiment. im pretty sure we entertained the class tt we were standing outside seeing a bunch of yr12s hitting their head wif a rubber stopper coz they werent very alert. messed up my applic epw big time too. damnit.. couldnt even get 1 question rite!! i feel so dumb coz EVEN james mcquade got 2 questions! i feel the asianess leaving me.
sad day though. rained the entire day. ashan found a hole in his 2 day old leavers jumper which made him pissed 4 a while.

couldve been heaps longer but had to condense it. muz go study now. muz..... leave.... com....


2:54 AM
P'S r here!! - Wednesday, February 18, 2009
happy bit: driver's license is finally here.
sad bit: dun like the pic on it
happy bit: ???
sad bit: econs DI tmr. its 8.45 n i still havent started studying 4 it

11:27 PM
RAWR - Thursday, February 12, 2009
ARGGHH!!!! ur old enough to understand tt magic little pixies do NOT exist. they dun MAGICALLY appear juz to clean up ur shit. dun juz pile everything up juz to turn ur bak n discover tt they clean themselves. magic rule of disney does not apply in reality! tt also dun mean u can juz take everything n throw it into a bucket of water n they will clean themselves. u'll juz make the other dishes oily n majorly harder to clean!! something which u might nvr understand

3:14 AM
crap i have blisters on my feet - Wednesday, February 11, 2009
woot!! 4 the first time since school started, i have come bak wif NO HOMEWORK AT ALL!!! yayers!! tt kinda xplains y i can sit here n blog. still gotta use this time to revise later though but keyword being LATER

funny incident happened recently. n i feel quite dumb 4 it.
we kinda have a system in place at home where my sis will msg me wad she wans me to take out to defrost when i get home so once she gets home, she can start cooking then we can eat, meaning dun need wait 4 thingo to defrost. so she cooks n i'll clean up.

one fine day, she decided to txt me saying " can u plz defrost the stuff n throw in some carrot". in the morning of aforementioned day, she told me wad to defrost already so was juz a friendly reminder. so i tot " yups. can do". i think it was meant to b some bamboo roll thingo n fishballs. so took them out n threw them into some basin of water. seeing as she said "throw in some carrot", i put the entire bag into the water too, all the while thinking wtf? y would u have to defrost carrots? but to avoid delay i put them in since wad harm can b done rite??

when she came home tt day she too went WTF?!!? more because she tot i would put the carrot into the soup. a soup tt i din notice was sitting in the pressure cooker. like seriously, the msg said throw in so put in n defrost lor. ended up having to cook the entire bag of carrot coz it was wet. have no idea y. felt like a bunny by the end of the day. was a pretty funny incident 4 me.

this happened quite a few times. not the throwing in carrots but more of my stupidity in the kitchen. this is y im gonna have a wife tt can cook. i wun mind cleaning up but might b easier if she cooked. less mess n will definately taste way way better

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11:31 PM
final yr: START! - Tuesday, February 3, 2009
as u noe, school started on the 4th feb. havent been able to blog since school started though. 2 days of not using the com at all!! haha. not some really mega big achievement but meh

school's decent i guess? got a reallllllllllyyyyyyyy boring sci teacher wif a monotone, the same crappy math teacher i got last yr n the rest r fine. engineering's become more interesting this yr. iono y. maybe better teacher? spent 1 entire period doing 0 n 1s due to the stupid truth table. in eng i finally dun of mr hann or mr cuffley so i would b able to pass this yr! :) sad thing is tt she said we'd prob need at least 67% to avoid getting scaled down to a fail. :( TTS A MASSIVE SCALE DOWN!!! like 17%?? so if u get 60 u prob fail. WTF!! shall aim 4 a B for both math this sem. its possible. seeing as i juz passed my gnt last yr, juz bout 10/20 marks to a B. highly achieveable i would say. not like im aiming 4 an A. prob could if i put lots n lots of effort but we shall c.

made a decision to at least START studying or doing my hw. going well so far but things might change once we hit end of term 1. table's gonna b messy. on 2nd tot, it already is. been bringing books bak to do hw too so bag's nvr been this heavy ever since i left singapore. even in yr 11 i din bring books bak to do work. jz brought wadeva i needed 4 first 2 periods the nxt day. now its first 2 N wadeva work tt needs to b done, which is quite a bit.

school got funky new electronic whiteboards. juz 2 rms have it though. luckily im in 1 of the 2. woot! :) they basically run like a normal computer when u project it onto the whiteboard but instead of using a keyboard, u use this special marker to do wadeva u wan. its basically touchscreen. so u can draw stickmen or juz b serious n do math. saves time frm wiping the board clean everytime u start a new question

new computer admin means tt computer stuff would prob b fixed way way faster. school also has this new fencing round the bak of the school so it looks more like a prison. haiz. at least they brought it in while we were STILL in school. not juz after we leave which seems to always b the case.

n it turns out i M a genius. ended up not buying any books yet. muahahaha!!! n aus pple, dun ever ever ever buy ur stationary n random junk frm woolridges(not tt u should ever buy books again 4 high school), they rip u off hard. they were selling a book for 35 bucks n u could find the exact same book, albeit wif a diff cover, 4 juz 19.40. massive price diff no?

thought: does the grass always look greener when ur in ur final yr or isit juz me? hmm... they do say grass looks greener on the other side but do they mean it literally??


6:00 AM
oh boy, i m def in a pickle now - Sunday, February 1, 2009
time: 11pm, date: 1 Feb
school starts: 2 feb

hmm.. school starts in less than 12 hrs
hmm.. started packing my bag n guess wad! i juz realized i only have books 4 3 subs!
1 of them i KNEW i din have coz i nvr bothered buying it. which leaves 2 subs
something tells me i'm PROB going to school wifout those books


oh well.. let's look on the brightside yeh?
Firstly n most importantly, at least i go to school wif a light bag :) tt's always a +.
Secondly..... hmm..... doubt there's a secondly. even my bs-ing skills cant make up a second excuse. i think im losing my skills!!!! :(

most annoying thing bout it would prob b the going to the bookstore after school. seeing as i cant be bothered to take the bus, i'll prob walk in the >35 degree heat tmr. then walk another 20 min home

bright side again: i'll get a nice tan? n prob skin cancer n all tt nasties but no one bothers bout tt do we

as they say, learn frm history. n history/past experience says that we prob wun use our eng txtbook much. but then again, both my eng teachers sucked. then engineering, prob not use the book too. din touch it at all last yr. then econ, teacher tt's highly probable to teach econ nxt yr's nice enough to let me off

oh well... all these r juz EDUCATED guesses. we shall c if im educated enough or do i really actually positively need to study this final yr. till then! tata

p.s some of u might say im an optimist. 2 u i say, at least i aint a pessimist. im juz a entire cup full kinda guy. even if its empty, i'll juz say its full of air. hehe
