
Extras and history


Everyday story
4:21 AM
multiply numerators together, then multiply denominators. top then bottom - Wednesday, February 25, 2009
recap on wad's been happening

sun: went to benedix's house to help him garden. saw many strange creatures n alvin jumped many many times. like everytime he saw some weird animal he jumped. then realized evelyn had a side i nvr knew existed. hahah.. caught some weird looking lizard which alvin said was a snake(so obviously wasnt coz no scales n stuff). she kept saynig kill it n took an axe to REPEATEDLY chop the thing.. was a bit confused n she kept saying "animals r very smart, they always want to trick u one!! they pretend they die liao then later they run away!)

mon: hmmm... monday?? seemed so far away. cant really rmb wad happened on mon. nothing much i think??

tues: unite in the early morn then at the end of school, found out ling's stuff got stolen :( money n the necklace gone. N WE GOT OUR LEAVER'S JUMPER!! WOOT!! dun really like it though.. weird material. polyester n cotton rather than the fluffy 100% cotton. we all tot it was corrick's fault 4 ordering the wrong thing but apparently,according to councillor belinda, it's the jumper maker's fk up coz they dunno did wad. dun like it coz its so plain too :( in case anyone's still wondering, traceur's the name on the back

wed/today: doing a short short short post coz needa go study soon. darn manga. so addicting. found out tt yr 12s r indeed stupid. having epws today n in both epws we cant use calculators. so many of us stressing out bout multiplying fractions n factorising quadratics,which is basically yr 9 stuff.. unlucky pple had both calc n applic epws today. unluckyier pple had both epw n phy n chem experiments to do! haha.. spent double phy twirling a rubber stopper over our heads to calculate centrifugal force 4 some experiment. im pretty sure we entertained the class tt we were standing outside seeing a bunch of yr12s hitting their head wif a rubber stopper coz they werent very alert. messed up my applic epw big time too. damnit.. couldnt even get 1 question rite!! i feel so dumb coz EVEN james mcquade got 2 questions! i feel the asianess leaving me.
sad day though. rained the entire day. ashan found a hole in his 2 day old leavers jumper which made him pissed 4 a while.

couldve been heaps longer but had to condense it. muz go study now. muz..... leave.... com....
