
Extras and history


Everyday story
6:00 AM
oh boy, i m def in a pickle now - Sunday, February 1, 2009
time: 11pm, date: 1 Feb
school starts: 2 feb

hmm.. school starts in less than 12 hrs
hmm.. started packing my bag n guess wad! i juz realized i only have books 4 3 subs!
1 of them i KNEW i din have coz i nvr bothered buying it. which leaves 2 subs
something tells me i'm PROB going to school wifout those books


oh well.. let's look on the brightside yeh?
Firstly n most importantly, at least i go to school wif a light bag :) tt's always a +.
Secondly..... hmm..... doubt there's a secondly. even my bs-ing skills cant make up a second excuse. i think im losing my skills!!!! :(

most annoying thing bout it would prob b the going to the bookstore after school. seeing as i cant be bothered to take the bus, i'll prob walk in the >35 degree heat tmr. then walk another 20 min home

bright side again: i'll get a nice tan? n prob skin cancer n all tt nasties but no one bothers bout tt do we

as they say, learn frm history. n history/past experience says that we prob wun use our eng txtbook much. but then again, both my eng teachers sucked. then engineering, prob not use the book too. din touch it at all last yr. then econ, teacher tt's highly probable to teach econ nxt yr's nice enough to let me off

oh well... all these r juz EDUCATED guesses. we shall c if im educated enough or do i really actually positively need to study this final yr. till then! tata

p.s some of u might say im an optimist. 2 u i say, at least i aint a pessimist. im juz a entire cup full kinda guy. even if its empty, i'll juz say its full of air. hehe
