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3:14 AM
crap i have blisters on my feet - Wednesday, February 11, 2009
woot!! 4 the first time since school started, i have come bak wif NO HOMEWORK AT ALL!!! yayers!! tt kinda xplains y i can sit here n blog. still gotta use this time to revise later though but keyword being LATER

funny incident happened recently. n i feel quite dumb 4 it.
we kinda have a system in place at home where my sis will msg me wad she wans me to take out to defrost when i get home so once she gets home, she can start cooking then we can eat, meaning dun need wait 4 thingo to defrost. so she cooks n i'll clean up.

one fine day, she decided to txt me saying " can u plz defrost the stuff n throw in some carrot". in the morning of aforementioned day, she told me wad to defrost already so was juz a friendly reminder. so i tot " yups. can do". i think it was meant to b some bamboo roll thingo n fishballs. so took them out n threw them into some basin of water. seeing as she said "throw in some carrot", i put the entire bag into the water too, all the while thinking wtf? y would u have to defrost carrots? but to avoid delay i put them in since wad harm can b done rite??

when she came home tt day she too went WTF?!!? more because she tot i would put the carrot into the soup. a soup tt i din notice was sitting in the pressure cooker. like seriously, the msg said throw in so put in n defrost lor. ended up having to cook the entire bag of carrot coz it was wet. have no idea y. felt like a bunny by the end of the day. was a pretty funny incident 4 me.

this happened quite a few times. not the throwing in carrots but more of my stupidity in the kitchen. this is y im gonna have a wife tt can cook. i wun mind cleaning up but might b easier if she cooked. less mess n will definately taste way way better

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