
Extras and history


Everyday story
7:36 AM
recap n random tots... - Sunday, March 8, 2009
might b a gd idea to start studying... but its 11.30 so meh!! shall keep ling company online then :)

went gardening at ben's house again, got paid n got free dinner (lasangia?? lasengnia?? however u spell it n also mash potato) woot! then finally got home at a early time of 10 pm to iron my shirt. i noe. i lead a sad life. haha

had to go work. so sad i noe! basically sat there n rot man! seriously. its a gd life though. a lil bit bout my job. i sit in this square see through box with wadeva u brought in there to entertain urself wif. if u got stuck in there wif nothing, then thumbs r all u got for 4 glorious hours of entertainment. there's only 1 till in tt box btw, which means 1 person manning the till. basically got paid round 50 bucks to sit there coz they wanted 2 pple to man the till at the hockey stadium coz they tot it'd b busy. haha.. poor pple. so my aunt settled the till while i sat there studying calc. muahahaha!! then whenever i was hungry or wadeva juz drive out n buy food :) got bak round 8 then went out to run n therefore got scolded

work at the hockey stadium again!! the world works like this... i finish school at 3.30. somehow, i had to rush down to there at 4. meh.. aunty was there so she kinda covered 4 me while i sent ling, sen n alvin home first then went to buy food. so again sat there to rot while studying 4 calc even though i finished school an hr ago. sad life again. finished work round 9 then rushed down to cell! my wonderful wonderful cell..

yeh.. the rest of the week wasnt very exciting coz it bascially consisted of an english test essay thingo every single day. which i kinda screwed up. yup! all 3 of them im pretty sure i screwed up. had to write a story at home as part of this module so tt's posted up at the wispywriting blog. again, being the stupid procrastinator tt i m, rushed it at 10 at night wif another assignment due 4 engineering the same day. n b4 i even had a long weekend to do. however, during the long weekend, reading manga seemed way way way more important though so haha... u can guess the rest of the story

random tots
hopefully this week shall turn out gd.. have excursion to adventure world ON FRI!! WOOT!! i think?? either fri or thurs... but the downside is i got a calc period 0 b4 the excursion. everyone'll prob rock up in boardies i guess. then there's econs essay somewhere during the week which i'll prob have to start studying 4. either tt or pray really hard but studying might b a gd option AS WELL AS praying hard. haha. cant leave all the hard work to god can we.

OOO!! big news everyone!! found out i aint orange in my license coz of me being me.. its more coz of the dumb cam at the licensing centre coz nelson, who got it at the same centre, is orange in his pic too!!! sad thing is i think coz since im darker, i seem more orange. had someone look at the pic n go wtf!?!?! who's this carrot?? prob could pass off as one if i dyed my hair green

anyways, in case u din noe, i m currently going out wif someone in yr 10 n her name's ling ling frm church :) at least im in an equally yoked relationship?

p.s hmm... im thinking i should change the colour... red seems a bit difficult to read aint it? wad do u think?