
Extras and history


Everyday story
12:42 AM
watch out 4 me.. im a little monster! RAWR! hehe - Saturday, April 18, 2009
most days start after 1pm. n end round 2 am.
the smell of food fills the room as u wake to smell mum's cooking
drawn by the smell of the food, u sleepily drop out of bed n follow it..yum
its been too long since i ate mum's cooking :)

so far holidays have been nice to me.. xcept the financial side of things. no money sia! broke. oh well. i guess this means i have to stay home study then. haha! at least i finish 1 misc ex in calc. then going bak to singapore tmr!!! woot.. more food.. but cannot run liao.. went running the other day n legs decided to stage a protest now. yes pple.. i m unfit.. i noe.

been playing poker a bit the past few days n also slap snap, which i apparently "broke" nicole's hand.. i think she's scared of me now. according to sam, it was swollen 4 5 days. but.. but.. it wasnt my fault! she called me silly things.. :(

went to the tony antony thing on easter fri n wasnt as crowded as i xpected. bought his book n got my first celebrity autograph! feel like some fangirl now.. oh dear..

then he came to preach at our church on sun. ushering on that day wasnt funny man. packed out the entire hall n had to make pple sit on the aisles. so paiseh.. but still it was gd! so many in church is always a gd thing.

i wanna watch fast n furious! any singapore peeps wanna watch wif me? but gotta pay adult fare in singapore.. which would suck! hope i can drive there.. but i scared.. n yes i do get scared.

oh well.. its 4.. theres no anime to watch or manga to read therefore i shall go study. i really should start studying.. even sis is now nagging at me which is not cool.. if u wanna noe how much i study, watch how fat i get.. i tend to always snack on something when i study. hehe. which means i dun study at all in school.

spend the first few nights of the holidays up reading books. haha.. tuesdays wif morrie, ranger's apprentice( i noe its childish but meh. its still something) n then taming the tiger(tony antony's life story)

the above tots r wadeva comes to mind n r not at all in the correct order.
this is wad holidays r meant to b like :) total nonsense n doing wadeva comes to ur mind. n now i feel like going running in the rain.. always wanted to but nvr did.. always think tt it'll feel heaps refreshing. or jump in puddles even though it hasnt rained. its going to though. its meant to... maybe shall roll around on the carpet to satisfy myself.. WEE!!!
